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25 Years Selling Rugs

Established in the vibrant city of Nashville, Tennessee, in 1999, Zein Rugs & Furniture has woven a rich tapestry of history, artistry, and craftsmanship, bringing the timeless allure of Persian rugs and exquisite furniture to the heart of Music City, and continues to be a beacon of luxury and sophistication in the region.

Create Uniqueness

Elevate your living space with our exquisite rugs, where each thread tells a story of timeless craftsmanship and artistic expression. With our diverse range of high-quality designs, you can infuse a touch of individuality and sophistication into your home, creating a truly unique and inviting ambiance.

Customers Approve

Our customers' approval speaks volumes - they've transformed their spaces with our rugs and furniture, experiencing firsthand the unparalleled quality and enduring beauty we offer. Join our community of satisfied customers and elevate your home with Zein Rugs & Furniture.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I care for my rugs and furniture?

A: Proper care involves regular maintenance and cleaning. We provide care instructions to ensure your items stay in excellent condition.

How can I determine the right rug size for my area?

A: Our experts can assist you in selecting the perfect rug size based on your room's dimensions and layout. Feel free to reach out for personalized guidance.

What is the Return Policy?

A: We offer a hassle-free exchange policy. If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may contact us within [specific timeframe] to request an exchange for a different item or size. Please note that we do not offer refunds. For more details, please visit our Returns & Exchanges page.

What is the Shipping Policy?

A: Currently, we provide domestic shipping within the USA. We are actively working on plans to expand our shipping services internationally in the future. Stay tuned for updates on our international shipping options as we continue to grow and serve customers worldwide. Thank you for your patience and understanding.